Journal Articles: In this EP News, we focus on the concept of center-specific quality improvement (QI). Large multicenter trials, observational studies, and practice guidelines provide us with the evidence and expert recommendations to standardize care delivery, inform QI initiatives, and improve outcomes across care delivery systems. However, at its core, QI is a continuous process and not simply the achievement of a specific threshold goal or the ability to define a center’s care as “high quality.” Center-specific QI projects are developed and implemented at individual centers. They may target a range of systems from hospital-wide to individual provider practices, and they are tailored to the strengths, challenges, and needs of a particular health care environment. The smaller scale of center-specific QI allows for continuous iteration and evolution of QI efforts in a process that is nimble and dynamic.

Publish Date or Last Revised January 8, 2024
Resource Type
  • Journal Articles
Quality Improvement Topic
Implementation Science