Tools: ManageAnticoag helps clinicians navigate periprocedural planning and bleed management scenarios for patients on oral anticoagulants (OAC). The app is comprised of three tools to support the following clinical decisions:

  • Planning Periprocedural Interruption and Bridging – evaluates whether and how to interrupt and bridge anticoagulation as part of periprocedural planning for patients with nonvalvular AFib
  • Addressing an Acute Bleed – manages acute major and non-major bleeds, including the suggested use of reversal/hemostatic agents
  • Determining Anticoagulation Restart – determines whether and how anticoagulation should be restarted for patients in whom anticoagulation has been interrupted
Publish Date or Last Revised February 6, 2024
Resource Type
  • Tools
Therapeutic Area
Atrial Fibrillation
Anticoagulation and Stroke Prevention, Procedure / Surgery