While the new guidelines provide excellent lifestyle changes (backed by evidence) for mitigation of atrial fibrillation, in clinic visits practitioners are often rushed for time, patients can feel scolded instead of informed/empowered when lifestyle is brought, and/or even in the the best of situations the volume of information provided to a patient at the time of a new diagnosis of atrial fibrillation can be information overload. This infographic is designed to be a hand out to give to patients (or to add to the EMR as a image that can be placed in the patient’s after visit paperwork) which is both informative and non-threatening/judgmental. Via this approach, it allows patients time to reprocess the information on lifestyle and start to make the changes when they are ready.

Publish Date or Last Revised January 15, 2025
Resource Type
  • Best Practices
  • Education: Patient / Caregiver
  • Presentations and Graphics
  • Tools
  • Workflows
Therapeutic Area
Atrial Fibrillation
General / Comprehensive Management, Modifiable Risk Factors
AF Clinic / Center of Excellence, Emergency Department, Outpatient, Virtual
Quality Improvement Topic
Access, Interventions, Management, Patient Adherence, Patient Centeredness, Population Health