Presentations and Graphics: Engage Project Champion(s) for all Project Touchpoints (IT, Pharmacy, APPs, etc.): Transition issues or barriers may impede implementation of the QI initiative. Engaging a champion for all project touchpoints will assist in resolving issues and eliminating barriers as they arise. These champions may or may not be on the core team but must receive regular team progress reports.
- Presentations and Graphics
- Tools
Related Resources
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AF Agile Pathway – Ambulatory
AF Agile Pathway – Ambulatory
Heart Rhythm TV Update: CardiQ, a Digital Platform Dedicated to Quality Improvement in AFib Care
Video: In this breaking news episode, #HRStv host Mehak Dhande, MD, is joined by Joshua Silverstein, MD, FHRS, and Jennifer Wright, MA, MD, FHRS, Co-chairs of the CardiQ Steering Group. They delve into the benefits of CardiQ, a digital platform committed to enhancing quality of care, specifically for patients with AFib. The platform provides a wealth of carefully curated tools and resources to support heart rhythm care specialists, hospitals, health systems and the broader medical community in quality improvement initiatives.