Guidelines/Clinical Documents: This manuscript builds on the work of a diverse, multiple-stakeholder Think Tank meeting and multidisciplinary Inter-pro Forum educational activity held in January 2019, both led by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS). When examining the current clinical landscape, the Think Tank concluded that there is a clear need for AF CoEs to improve AF care and its delivery. In this manuscript, HRS hopes to accelerate this evolution by reviewing the rationale for AF CoEs, the available evidence for integrated and multidisciplinary care, and future challenges and opportunities. The document also defines the key priorities to be used as a guide for HRS and its diverse stakeholders to build consensus on defining the core components of an AF CoE.

Publish Date or Last Revised April 8, 2024
Resource Type
  • Best Practices
  • Data / Registries
  • Guidelines / Clinical Documents
  • Referral Pathways
  • Shared Decision-Making
Therapeutic Area
Atrial Fibrillation
Anticoagulation and Stroke Prevention, General / Comprehensive Management, Modifiable Risk Factors, Patient Identification, Procedure / Surgery, Rate Control, Rhythm Management
AF Clinic / Center of Excellence, Device Care, Emergency Department, Inpatient, Outpatient, Surgical