Sharing knowledge and creating dialogue around best practices for AF care are core aims of our Resource Library.
The Library is a curated collection of resources, carefully chosen for suitability for supporting AF QI initiatives. Each resource is sourced from seminal guidelines and literature, as well as individuals and organizations committed to transforming the care of AF patients.
With intuitive navigation and ever-expanding content, we have thoughtfully designed our Library to provide invaluable resources for anyone with similar goals for optimal care of patients with AF, including healthcare providers, health systems, payers, medical groups, quality champions, and more.
Recommendations for resources to add to the Library are always welcomed. HRS is continuously expanding and refining the collection to ensure the most pertinent information is easily available to our community.
Start navigating our Resource Library now. To join our community, share a suggestion, or recommend a resource, visit How to Contribute.
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Health Facts for You: Patient Information Sheets
Education – Patient/Caregiver: The “Health Facts for You: patient information sheets cover the following topics: