Implementation Science
Tools: The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Worksheet is a useful tool for documenting a test of change. The PDSA cycle is shorthand for testing a change by developing a plan to test the change (Plan), carrying out the test (Do), observing and learning from the consequences (Study), and determining what modifications should be made to the test (Act).
Read MoreEducation – Clinical: Education, training, implementation tools, and research related to shared decision making from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Read MoreOrganizations for QI: Science of Improvement Whiteboard videos, Health Equity videos, IHI YouTube Channel.
Read MoreTools: IHI developed and adapted tools to help organizations accelerate improvement, as well as successful protocols, order sets, and guidelines developed by organizations and shared with IHI. Examples include a Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit, Quality Improvement Team Member Matrix Worksheet, QI Project Measures Worksheet, and Patient Safety Essentials Toolkit.
Read MoreTools: How to Improve: Model for Improvement (Associates in Process Improvement); learn about the model and testing changes on a small scale using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA cycles). Covers how to form your team, set aims, establish measures, implement change, and more.
Read MoreJournal Articles: In this EP News, we focus on the concept of center-specific quality improvement (QI). Large multicenter trials, observational studies, and practice guidelines provide us with the evidence and expert recommendations to standardize care delivery, inform QI initiatives, and improve outcomes across care delivery systems. However, at its core, QI is a continuous process and not simply the achievement of a specific threshold goal or the ability to define a center’s care as “high quality.” Center-specific QI projects are developed and implemented at individual centers. They may target a range of systems from hospital-wide to individual provider practices, and they are tailored to the strengths, challenges, and needs of a particular health care environment. The smaller scale of center-specific QI allows for continuous iteration and evolution of QI efforts in a process that is nimble and dynamic.
Read MoreJournal Articles: In this issue of Heart Rhythm, we continue this quarterly feature highlighting developments and advances in quality improvement in the delivery of heart rhythm care. The current issue focuses on quality improvement surrounding the challenges created for heart rhythm care during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Read MoreImplementing Improvements: Opportunities to Integrate Quality Improvement and Implementation Science
Guidelines/Clinical Documents: In hospitals, improvers and implementers use quality improvement science (QIS) and less frequently implementation research (IR) to improve health care and health outcomes. Narrowly defined quality improvement (QI) guided by QIS focuses on transforming…
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