Organizations for QI
Website: IHI website featuring education, resources, and tools to improve health care worldwide.
Read MoreWebsite: AHRQ website featuring programs, research, data and analytics, tools and other resource to improve safety and quality.
Read MoreTools: The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Worksheet is a useful tool for documenting a test of change. The PDSA cycle is shorthand for testing a change by developing a plan to test the change (Plan), carrying out the test (Do), observing and learning from the consequences (Study), and determining what modifications should be made to the test (Act).
Read MoreOrganizations for QI: The Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) Program serves people with Medicare, health care providers and communities. All initiatives are designed to improve health care quality, access, value and equity for people with Medicare. Find blogs, events, toolkits, and other resources.
Read MoreOrganizations for QI: Resources for measuring quality improvement, an extensive list of quality programs, tools for stakeholder engagement, and helpful definitions in QI work.
Read MoreOrganizations for QI: Concepts, resources, and links provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention intended to support state, tribal, local and territorial health departments as they head down the path of improving their performance. Find data & benchmarks, definitions & concepts, The Public Health Improvement Journey, Stories from the Field, and other resources.
Read MoreOrganizations for QI: Resource for patients; research about medical treatments/services/practices to help make better informed decisions and promote patient engagement.
Read MoreOrganizations for QI: Stay up to date with NCQA and the latest in health care quality via blogs and podcasts.
Read MoreOrganizations for QI: Online resource with hundreds of blog posts about improving healthcare quality and health equity.
Read MoreOrganizations for QI: Library of completed/ongoing projects related to quality. Topics include Health and Well-Being, Person- and Family-Centered Care, Patient Safety, and Health IT.
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